Pipe ID Tape

Pipe ID Tape

Pipeline identification (ID) tape is used for identifying the contents of pipes/pipelines. Our pipe marking tapes are wrapped around the pipe at regular intervals and indicate contents with wording and colour, direction of flow is also usually indicated. We supply tapes to an indoor and outdoor all-weather standard. All our tapes are UK manufactured, very high quality, QC tested, fit for purpose and ultra long lasting.

Our tapes conform to British Standard BS 1710 Specification for identification of pipelines and services. Where stated they conform to BS 1710:1984 or BS 1710:2017 in BS 4800 colours. Where BS 1710:1964 or BS 1710:1972 is required please Contact Us to confirm which tapes conform. We also supply tapes in the RAL colour system.

Limit your search to one of the following:

Indoor Pipeline ID Tape
Indoor (Standard) Pipeline ID/Pipe Marking Tape
  Standard pipe marking tape to identify a pipe's contents. Suitable for all indoor/sheltered uses. Click here to view our range.

Outdoor Pipeline ID Tape
Outdoor (All Weather) Pipeline ID/Pipe Marking Tape
  Outdoor pipe marking tape suitable for all wealther conditions. Tried and tested in conditions from underwater to deserts. Supplied with a paper backing to preserve the powerful adhesive. Click here to view our range.

Pipeline ID Tape Information

Pipeline ID/Pipe Marking Tape Information
Click here to view an information sheet specifying some of the regulations regarding pipeline identification tapes and the specifications of our tapes.

We don't mind what you call it; Pipeline ID Tape, Pipeline Marking Tape, Pipe Marker Tape, Pipe Marking Tape, Pipeline Marker Tape, Pipe Marker Tape, Pipe Labelling, Pipeline Labelling, Pipeline Labelling Tape, Pipeline Label Tape, Pipe Label, Pipe Labels, Pipeline Label, Pipeline Labels... We just care about quality, standards compliant tape!

 Remember; we can print any design and meet any specification.

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YELLOW OCHRE 08C35 (96mm) - Colour Pipe Identification (ID) Tape 1 - 2 Weeks

YELLOW OCHRE 08C35 (96mm) - Colour Pipe Identification (ID) Tape

Size: 96mm x 33m Colour: Yellow Ochre - 08C35 Technical specification: White rigid PVC coated one side with a transparent resin rubber adhesive laminated with a 30 micron transparent polypropylene for environmental protection. Recommended for internal use only. British Standards: BS 1710:198..


Anti-Corrosion Cloth Tape (Price per box)

Campbell International anti-corrosion tape, designed for protection below ground or underwater against corrosion on pipework, metal surfaces, cables and temporary sealing of fractured mains and cable joints.Similar to DENSO tape - This is a cold applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape based on a ..


Clear All Weather Polythene Protective Tape - 50mm x 33m

Our all weather tape repairs, seals and joins, whilst resisting all outdoor elements. The tape is waterproof and unaffected by extremes of temperature. It is a brilliant and versatile tape that can be used anywhere. It is uv stabilised; so not affected by the sun, it can be used as an over wrap, in ..
